Pakhi Pakhi, m.Sc. Student
204 Craine Building
Queen's University
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6

B.Sc. (Hons), Psychology, McMaster University, 2024

ORCID: 0009-0009-9786-3067

My research focuses on understanding the intricate links between biology and psychology, specifically around the neurological underpinnings of our career choices. While the hippocampus is known for its adaptability, I’m particularly curious about how this brain region might shape our character traits—and ultimately, the career paths we gravitate towards. Given how much of our lives we spend at work, I can’t help but wonder if our jobs are somehow reflected in our brain anatomy (or maybe even the other way around!).


My research investigates the potential connections between brain anatomy—especially within the hippocampus—and various career choices. By examining these biological factors alongside detailed job characteristics, I hope to reveal new insights into how our jobs might shape or be shaped by our neural pathways.